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Yüksek Yüksek Tepelere

Translates as “To the High High Hills”, is a Turkish Folk song that carries sentimental value in one of the many events prior to a...

Villancico Yaucano - Español

Si de tradiciones navideñas en Puerto Rico se trata, quizás no exista melodía que mejor la represente que el “Villancico Yaucano” de...

Villancico Yaucano - English

If we're talking about Christmas traditions in Puerto Rico, perhaps there is no melody that better represents it than the “Villancico...

Guitarra arrullada por el Coquí

Aqui les comparto mi entrevista para la "Fundacion Nacional para la Cultura Popular". Fuente:

"Tango en skaï" by Roland Dyens

OK, this is going to be a brief post. I'll be sharing some info that I recently read in a book about "Tango en skaï" by Roland Dyens. The...

"Histoire Du Tango" by Astor Piazzolla

When you think about Astor Piazzolla you certainly think about “Tango”.  And you are right; Piazzolla dedicated his life to the promotion...

Practice Routine Elements

In the past couple of moths a few people have asked me what the essential elements for a good practice routine are. I therefore wish to...

Guitarists Survival Kit

How many of us have been performing and all of a sudden a string breaks? I believe we’ve all had those moments when everything is fine...

Mental Preparation for Performance

On one occasion Pat Metheny said: “I try to be prepared for the moment, through understanding and being warmed up, knowing all about...

Classical Guitar Scales

One of the most versatile tools that classical guitarists could learn to play are scales. Although we may not think about them as such,...


If you are like me, you may be wondering what you gain as a classical guitarist with every new technique we learn. Certainly there are...

Aim Directed Movement

There is a famous saying: “Practice makes perfect”, but in reality it is perfect practice that makes perfect. Christopher Parkening said...

Free Stroke vs. Rest Stroke

For years classical guitarists have been debating over which stroke to use when performing classical guitar. We have the school of...

How to practice in 20 minutes

Many guitarists don’t have enough time to practice for long periods of time. But if you want to progress fast, you need the guitar in...

Blog: Blog2
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