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Instrumental/Classical Guitarist
Nov 2, 20203 min read
Sam Ortiz brings classical guitar to Swan Brewing
Hello, here's an article that was made for my performance at the Swan Brewing in Lakeland, FL. It was released on "The Ledger" on August...
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Nov 2, 20203 min read
Guitarra arrullada por el Coquí
Aqui les comparto mi entrevista para la "Fundacion Nacional para la Cultura Popular". Fuente:
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Nov 2, 20204 min read
Catala: Getting a grasp on the arts, string by string, note by note
This is an article a local newspaper, "The Ledger" did about me and the guitar program I direct. Source:
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Nov 2, 20201 min read
"Initium" A Review by Dr. Candice Mowbray
I would like to share a brief and concise review of my album made by Dr. Candice Mowbray, assitant guitar professor at Shenandoah...
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